Saturday, April 21, 2007

Random Notes

Still enjoying my little camera! This is another shot culled from 'burst mode'. I promised Jerry I'd delete the really silly ones (and I did). Uh, actually the background I photoshopped in. In case you were wondering WTF?

I'm way into my little veggie garden project these days, and I've been trying to stick with lunar planting--and so I'd been waiting for today. Waxing Moon in Cancer, pretty much the best phase for all around planting and transplanting.
I know, it's actually a bit more complicated than that. Some plants like different signs. I'm trying to keep it simple. And I'm trying to be patient.

But it was sprinkling when we woke up and it never really slowed down all day. In fact it's really coming down now!

I started off picking snails off the calla lilies. I was horrified to find that one of the little pumpkin starts I'd put out front had been nibbled down pretty bad. I know it sounds idiotic, but I had forgotten all about snails and slugs. Ugh. I reckon I got about a pound of them. I took them over to Meredith and Steve's house for tasty chicken snacks. Yum Yum.

We have three little planters along our back Southern window and I took out the poor scraggly carnations and geraniums that were languishing there, amended the soil and planted little pepper starts. Five different varieties, including one Eden and I salvaged from an ancient cayenne wreath--I never expected those seeds to sprout! They may or may not produce peppers, I suppose.

I potted the geraniums and carnations. I think they'll be much much happier and maybe even thrive. Otherwise the day was a wash out, veggie wise.

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