Monday, September 10, 2007

Bamboo Fencing

Bamboo Fencing
Originally uploaded by Robbi Baba.

The fence has three parts--the posts, cross beams and the rolls of screening. They put the posts in concrete and are going to fill in the seams where the cross pieces go into the posts with caulk. Steve screwed the cross beams into the posts and the fencing to the cross beams every foot or so top and bottom.
I would be inclined to use pea gravel instead of concrete, or at least to try it. My ex-neighbor Ralph taught me that. He felt the extra drainage actually prolonged the life of the post. He probably didn't care that it's also more eco-friendly.

1 comment:

zelia said...

This is a beautiful fence. We are looking at buying a house, and we found a fixer in your neck of the woods, but one of the things it needs is a backyard fence. It currently has that bamboo shade cloth stuff as a fence, which wouldn't hold our new border collie puppy for a second. This fence though would work great. Especially when the options are redwood, cedar or pressure treated scary lumber. Thanks Rob!