Friday, March 11, 2005

Chiang Mai continued...

Ack, I'm on a slow computer with a slow connection. Tried to upload way. I'll try a different place tomorrow. Joyce and I are out late. She's struggling with an awful sticky keyboard.
I wanted to tell a little about yesterday. We went out walking and found out that it's not a good idea. Too dangerous crossing streets and too wearing. We learned to take a 'taxi' to the rough location and struggle on from there. The first place we did this was a market area. We ended up inside this old old 3 story building crammed with merchandise in little stalls that all seemed to run together. There were clothes and shoes and luggage and cosmetics and semi-familiar stuff, then there were food stands with the most bizarre assortment you can imagine, including french fried meal worms all neatly packaged. There were big bowls of green glop in numerous stalls that seemed to be selling well. A vendor warned Joyce away "very spicy!!!". Not that Joyce was really tempted I think. There were stalls selling crazy toys and supplies for spirit houses (I bought some Hell Bank Notes in 50,000 denomination). Most everything was really cheap and we were encouraged to barter if the price was too high. We were some of the only farang in the place and really felt like we were in a foreign land!
Ooops, time to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Folks,
It is so great to read about your trip. I look forward to pictures. What do you eat for each meal? Are you starting to speak a few words? Are there trees and plants in the city? What kind of vehicles to most people drive/ride? Love, Meredith