Friday, April 22, 2005

In a Hurry

I've only got 10 minutes left on this computor! We're in Rotorura and still getting our bearings. I'm proud to say that I haven't crashed the car yet, even though everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road. Actually, sitting on the wrong side of the car is even weirder and I keep turning on the windshield wipers everytime I want to turn on the turn signals. Ha ha ha.
We've spent most of today in our nice room which has a full kitchen (!), took a soak in the stinking mineral pools at the hotel, went for a long walk through the thermal park downtown and saw a few Maori landmarks. We also spent about an hour in a big supermarket, a true cultural experience. At one point this woman started talking to krista while she was getting bulk cereal. Krista told me she couldn't understand a word the woman said! She obviously didn't know Krista was a foreigner. That's the big problem here. We look fairly ordinary. Except India, who insists on dressing weird most of the time.
The money here is beautiful. The bills are colorful and artistically done and the coins are heavy and wonderfully minted. Unfortunately everything costs a fortune (at least compared to Bali and Thailand), but the meals and rooms have been very generous and well done. And we have nice big new towels! That's a change.
I think tomorrow we'll go see the biggest thermal attraction here, it also boasts a Maori 'concert' which sounds good. Then we'll hit the road in the daytime. Sadly we drove down here from Auckland in the dark. I have no idea what the country side looked like, but so far it reminds me of Sonoma County and the San Francisco area. Very beautiful.
gotta g0

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