Saturday, May 12, 2007


Krista in Springtime
Originally uploaded by Robbi Baba.

The late May rains have set the flowers going like mad. We go for walks and are just astonished by the beauty. And what goes better with pretty flowers than a beautiful woman?

Alas, my poor wee vegetable starts were drowning after all the rain. The planting mix I used wasn't draining well at all. I replanted the hardiest of them yesterday and this morning (moon in Pisces). I also planted a little sugar pumpkin patch over at Krista's folks. They've got a sunny little side yard and a drip system that Jerry and I put in a few years ago. Perfect! I also planted some tomatoes, a zuke or two and four peppers. Maybe we'll sit out there in October waiting like Linus for the Great Pumpkin.
I've got our own little back deck planted like a farm--everything in containers. Some of the tomatoes are getting pretty big already and starting to blossom! I seriously need to get them staked up.
I've got zuchinni and pumpkins out there too, and I'm wondering what the hell we'll do when they start getting big!

The hardest thing for me in all this is composting (killing off) some of the little starts we don't need. It seems so cruel! And wasteful. I'm a sentimental idiot and I've got WAY too many plants.

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