Sunday, December 01, 2013

At Steve's Domicile

It's pretty amazing being here. Steve is a really excellent photographer and he caught the dome in the best possible light.  But even the best photos don't convey the presence of a place.
So here are some of my non-photoshopped photos of the place...
Here's the fish pond right off of the living room, and the welcoming alcove for the front door.
There are no glass windows here, just screens (ah, to live where it's never cold!).  Alas, rats from the mango orchard have breeched all the screens.  They seem to use Steve's place as a kind of club ho use.
The front door from inside the house.  Note the machete and the Namaste banner (from Mandala Arts).
The portal to Steve's bedroom off the kitchen.  He has a little propane stove that swings out from under the counter there on the right.
The doorway to the bathroom.  There's the shower in the background.  And one of Deva Luna's stickers there on the fridge!
The stairs up to the covered balcony...
The view from the top!  That's a sweet little lake in the background, complete with lotus flowers.  And those are mango trees.  This is all in the middle of a mango/rubber tree farm.
The operating principle here seems to be fun.  And relaxing.  I've had a very mellow day after so much travelling.  At times the only sounds are wind in the trees, way off dogs barking, roosters crowing and occasional sounds of scooters or tractors in the distance.

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