Monday, June 26, 2006

New Yorker

New Yorker, originally uploaded by Robbi Baba.

Our trip to Manhattan was great. But we've had to jump right into preparing for the Oregon Country Fair! So sorry, I should've told you some New York stories!
Aside from the airport, we spent all our time in Manhattan, mostly around Greenwich Village. We got to stay in a lovely apartment on the 15th floor, right on Washington Park, and visit with my aunt and uncle, cousin Sandy and her son Wilder--though not all at the same time.
The licensing show was mind bending. We were such a little drop in that bucket! And we really won't know how it went until August or September, according to our rep. It takes time for the companies to go over all their contacts and make decisions. With any luck we'll land a few good contracts. Wait and see...
We really enjoyed visiting the big city and you can see most of our photos over on flickr. I actually wrote notes on some of them. But in a nutshell...Aunt Marian made us breakfast and showed us how to navigate the tranist system. She got us to the right subway terminal to zip up to our show, and then headed home to Connecticut! After attending the licensing show, we came back to the apartment, met up with Sandy and Wilder and went out for an incredible vegan meal, wonderful desserts at a dark little cafe and a walk around the teeming village.
The next day Sandy guided us up to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and we spent many hours there. Krista and I walked back down Fifth Avenue and through Central Park (a very long walk!) and had a nice romantic dinner at a hole in the wall gourmet Italian place.
Uncle Carr came in late from winning a backgammon tournament at his college (?!) and we had breakfast with him the next morning. Then we walked with Sandy, Wilder and their friends from Cape Cod on up to Chelsea to see some real New York art galleries. Oh my god! It's just like in the movies.
Then we subwayed back to the village, had a wonderful lunch and caught a taxi back to JFK and home.
Sorry, this isn't the best narrative. Just go see the photos! Krista and I each have our own set.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did see the photos! Amazing! Thanks for the vicarious trip. I loved your commentary on some of the art at the museum. :D Glad the show went well. I've been thinking about you and checking the blog for an update. Sounds like things are really taking off. It's so exciting.

I met your midwife, Constance, last night at the ICAN meeting in Sebastopol! I recognised Krista's drawing/calligraphy on her business card instantly. She's really cool.